
Monday, April 2, 2012

Bob Dylan #1

The following is my rudimentary attempt to join the ranks of Matthew Arnold, Shakey, and my muse, among others. It is dedicated, as you can probably gather from the title, to that one-and-only, the great Bob Dylan. You can criticise anything you want, obviously, except with regards to what metre I wrote in: I do not know, and frankly do not care. Expect more to come. 

In conditions in the two
Who have been made late this afternoon
Because both of them in the
Then you know what to do
At Nobel Prize

Small businesses involved with forces that are not that sort of
Momentous or with the relation with has already met this evening about
It added value

Conclusions based out of every four years of our ideals of the war was
Waterfalls illegal
Moment and I thought you discovered that it is the whitewater
Won’t be here
Here here
That part of fellow
All right
Along you

As long as it is a matter of fact
That these little small company that had bolted fault at all that she was
Killed well-off fellows that are right now that I’ve attached a tail

Stands at about that
Artisan went out and for the market everything from Sally Johnson book
Tries it on the
Even if you happen to find out much is the exact
Happy to be to be states teachers teach then knowledge within each other one is
Out of faith
Students at the end of the things that they read stranded

You’ve got a ton
Happily married man

Sheraton Fuerteventura into thinking you expect him to know what’s going on in
There and that can win with a panel of free time I thought that was all right

Physiotherapy angry at the issues that I mean I’m not going to be alone is
There’s nobody in the incident and electronically’s health even as they get
Them I think that it is now

Traditionalism or insufficient set-asides inadequate keeping him and I
Think it’s clear that he or she would have already that Saddam Hussein

Flap flatmates
Rubber glove

Coordinators is Austin says when it is expected for special himself instead of
Dozens of weapons
Thirty three day Republican politics politics

And their families cannot be delivered to extract the Cherokee propels America
For them to think that part of the flip-flop on the maximum
That sometimes a mother love letter

That there are no it’s not very doubtful all that stuff is not an air force base
Walked back out of that into a subject that led to the president of the
Can just tell them

It’s not a good night
That’s not to me
Sun-dried tomato
Light but not the

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