
Monday, April 22, 2013

The World According to Oscar Wilde: Episode 7

This is it.

This is the best episode of The World According to Oscar Wilde so far. Why?

We got off to a great start with a discussion on the same-sex marriage being legislated in New Zealand last week.

We then had our debate-style segment Now Listen Now Look. Adam tried to convince me that the Labor Party can still win the federal election on September 14. You can let us know who you think won at our Facebook page.

Once again, SEN producer Elias Clure joined us over the phone to talk about the weekend's sporting affairs. We digressed - qu'elle surprise - to talk about the events that had taken place in Elias' country of birth: New Zealand.

In his Big Tip, Adam predicted something momentous would happen regarding the AFL drugs scandal. I say with all honesty I have not a clue as to what may happen there.


Our special guest this week was co-winner of the Neighbours Remixed competition, Stephanie Angelini.

Stephanie, 21, says she heard about the competition over lunch with a friend. 

"It was something that I was really keen and interested in. I mean, who doesn’t want to sing the Neighbours theme song?  

"So I entered it, and it’s also a great inspiration for any performer or any artist who wants to get well known and get there music out there."

At Lassiters bar. (Stephanie Angelini)

She says she was initially quite shy about spruiking herself on social media, before realising how much she wanted to win.

"I remember when I first began, and I was I think in fourth place the night that voting began, and it was almost like a bomb went off in me and I thought, 'No, I want to potentially win this and do us Aussies proud,' Stephanie says.

Daniel Boys (top middle) and Stephanie with some of the cast from Neighbours: Ryan Maloney (top left); Eve Morey (top right) and Calen Mackenzie (bottom right). Stephanie says the people she met on set were "amazing". (Stephanie Angelini) 
"So that whole week of voting, I was literally on my computer every single day and night just campaigning, on Facebook, on Twitter, sending messages to people, just trying to get the word out there."

Stephanie admitted she might have turned some people off her cause with such an aggressive campaign, an apposite point for any nascent media producer. 

It was revealed after the voting round concluded - Stephanie finished with 40 per cent of the vote - that the intro would be a duet between her and British singer, a move that Stephanie says was not disappointing at all. 

"I was actually even more excited, only because I knew how my voice and how Daniel’s voice, how our voices blended, because we sang the sing off together," she says.

"So when they announced the duet, yeah, I could not be more happier and I’m still very very happy that they decided to go that way."

"I think it was the best thing for the show as well and what the show represents and what it’s all about."
Daniel and Stephanie celebrating the win on set. She says Daniel was ecstatic to visit the show he has watched from childhood. (Stephanie Angelini)

The excitement of the announcement was emphasised with Stephanie's 21st birthday falling on the same day. 

She says she didn't celebrate that much because of the busy day she had. 

Her friends kept her real, and Stephanie prefers it that way, saying she is not a different person because of it. 

She says, "I’m the new voice of Neighbours but it’s not like I’m a celebrity or a star, and I think some people view me as that now and I sort of want to say to them 'No no no, it’s okay guys, I’m not like that, it’s okay.'"
Stephanie with Ryan Maloney. (Stephanie Angelini)

You can listen to the full interview here and a shortened version here.

You can like Stephanie Angelini on Facebook, follow her on Twitter (@steph_angelini) and visit her web site

Don't forget to visit the TWATOW Facebook page here for links to all the big stories of the week. 

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