
Sunday, May 13, 2012

A Quote, or Two

Because I'm that sort of guy, I follow a Twitterer with the handle PhiloQuotes (no, not quotes from famous Filipini) (and no, not Nicholas Tonti-Fillipini, even though he has a great name)

Across my virtual desk came the following:
There is nothing on this earth more to be prized than true friendship. ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas

Apparently ol' St Thom did a lot of things, which is not really the point of this post. Cue tangential discussion about tangents, kindling &c

Anywho, what if a letter was changed in the quote above to reveal:
There is nothing on this earth more to be prised than true friendship. ~ Saint Thomas Aquinas

Given the somewhat murky relationship between s and z (a future post?), it either says a lot about the real value of "true friendship" and 


Look, why would anyone want to build up a "true friendship" over time just to "prise" it? Anyone besides me, I mean. 

There is nothing, logically speaking, to indicate the "real" value of a "true friendship" - that's a matter for our judgment to decide on over a long-term period. (Surely even Hume would have trouble casting the sense-impression of "true friendship" to the flames.) Indeed, the test of a "true friendship" could be that which you decide to "prise" off, but somehow, I don't think so. (I will have to write about The Footy Show one of these days.)

The only logical possibilities are that you either do not value truth, friendship, or true friendships. The first is not that unreasonable (contradictions, contradictions everywhere) (my word that was wordy) (gee these parentheses are starting to get annoying) (Dear Mr Magusic, your blog posts are far too extraneous, as opposed to my extremely short fake pseudo-letter, yours &c


Let me try that again. 

The first is not that unreasonable (...), the second would be indicative of your status as a misanthrope (not a case of anti-misanthropism, but it does tend to get rather lonely at times) and the third would be a sort-of inability to be able to form good bonds with people (if you like getting then fleeced all the time, then c'est la vie


The above discussion was almost pointless. I did, however, get to demonstrate what a smarty-pants I can be. That's why I have so many friends.

If you expected discussion on substantive issues, well, I'm sorry that I've ripped you off like the old Nigerian prince trick. The upside is, you still have your money. 

Thank God you're here

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