
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

TWATOW podcast sports correspondent

Hey you,

If you can spare five to ten minutes on a Sunday afternoon and are at least moderately interested in sports, and possess the ability to articulate that interest, then why not consider applying for the role of TWATOW podcast sports correspondent?

You'll be replacing the very capable Elias as he goes to a better place for the next few months.

This is what you'll have to do:

  • Be knowledgeable about the different codes of sport, and be prepared to put your opinion on the line
  • Liaise with me (Cameron) and/or Adam while preparing the runsheet the previous day
  • Spend five to ten minutes being recorded talking about sports
This is what you should have:
  • A love of sports!
  • An ability to talk confidently and be articulate
Keep in mind I'm not looking for an extensive career in sports media - this is a podcast purely done for love (because it's definitely not for money) - and at the very least it's a notch on your CV

If you could address the above criteria with a short biography (CVs are fine, but not necessary) plus listing which teams you follow in the various codes that interest you in an email to, that would be great.

You can listen to a sample of what is expected here

Chances are you'll get an auto-reply, as I'll be on holiday, so I'll read them when I get back and start auditions, which will basically be a mock "Sporting Weekend" segment.

Preference will be given to those in Melbourne, simply because it will be done over the phone; this does not exclude people willing/able to talk over Skype. 

Applications close July 23. Ladies and gentlement, start your keyboards!!!1